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After a month,I finally got home today. And as I’m sitting alone in my bedroom i have some much to think about.

For example: was my first month productive? My answer is, hell yea! I did well at school, I had so much good days with Sweetheart, I made new friends, studied Spanish, started a new relationship. Oh gosh, so many things!but! I’m still alive. 

Secondly, I have extra money for the semester, so I decided to buy a new mobile phone, but I cant choose yet. Every friend of mine offer different kinds of brands. Luckily I don’t have special “wishes” but I need wifi, a good camera, fast system and after qwerty, touchscreen. All in all, this is a hard one. 

Lastly, I want to improve my personality to became less emotional. Almost everything I do influenced by my feelings. Like if I’m studying, and had an argument with A before, I can’t even see what I’m reading. And this is bad. I have to separate “work” from private life. Of course, I don’t want to be a robot, but if I could just turn off my heart for an hour, that would be great. 

Now, that I have  time for myself, the first thing I want to do is finally sleep at least 10 hours in a row. You see, I had a very bad time with sleeping lately, so I’m exhausted. (poor sweetheart got up when I was talking during sleep, two days ago…. Cuz I talk at night if I have a problem in life) 

Good night guys!
